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Courses, Memes, and Slides


Laurea Specialistica (2-year MA) in Classics,

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano

Currently Teaching

This winter semester (October 2024 – February 2025) I am teaching a graduate seminar on the Languages of Ancient Italy (which I like to call "Field Methods: Ancient Italy", but it's officially called "Italische Sprachwissenschaft und Philologie") for the LMU. It focuses on Oscan and Umbrian (along with some Very Old Latin), and assumes familiarity with either Latin or IE Linguistics, but (and this is the fun part), it takes an inductive approach: the students will be given a (gradated) selection of inscriptions and asked to figure out the main features of the languages (the way they would in a Linguistics Field Methods class).  If you are interested in attending as a guest (in person or online), send me an email!

Teaching Experience

Indo-European Linguistics

Lecturer, Lehrstuhl für Historische und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München:

  • Historische Sprachwissenschaft des Indoiranischen – Einführung in die Vedische Sprache (Winter 2022-2023)

  • Historische Sprachwissenschaft des Lateinischen (Winter 2017-2018, Winter 2019-2020, Winter 2021-2022, Winter 2023-2024)

  • Historische Sprachwissenschaft des Griechischen – Einführung in die Homerische Kunstsprache (Summer 2018, Summer 2019, Summer 2021, Summer 2022)

  • Historische Sprachwissenschaft des Griechischen – Performanzsprachen (Summer 2023, Summer 2024)

  • Griechische Sprachwissenschaft und Philologie - Griechische Sprachgeschichte und Dialekte (Summer 2022, Summer 2023, Summer 2024)

  • Italische Sprachwissenschaft und Philologie (Winter 2023-2024, 2024-2025)


Lecturer, Program in Indo-European Studies, UCLA:

  • Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics (Fall 2015, Fall 2016)

  • Indo-European Syntax – Graduate Seminar (Spring 2016)

  • Food in Language and Myth (Spring 2017)


Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, UCLA:

  • Introduction to the Study of Language (Winter 2016, Winter 2017, Spring 2017, Summer 2017)

  • Historical Linguistics (Winter 2016)

  • Morphology (Fall 2016)


Lecturer, General Education Cluster Program, UCLA:

  • Homer's Stories: Between Mythology, History, and Oral Traditions (Spring 2016)

  • ​

Instructor of Record, General Education Cluster Program, UCLA:

  • Myths of Homer (Spring 2013)


Graduate Student Instructor, General Education Cluster Program, UCLA:

  • Neverending Stories: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives on Myth (Fall 2012, Winter 2013)


Teaching Assistant (UCLA, Classics): 

  • Discovering the Greeks (Winter 2011)

  • Discovering the Romans (Fall 2011)

  • Classical Mythology (Spring 2011, Winter 2012)

Some of my Favorite Slides

I was an early adopter of Prezi (until older people at conferences kept telling me my slides made them dizzy), and even after switching to Powerpoint I've taken great pride (too much, clearly) in making slides that I find aesthetically pleasing. I also try really hard to incorporate memes and funny visuals in my presentations. Sometimes my students appreciate it, sometimes I'm the only one laughing (to tears, on some occasions) - but you have to find small satisfactions where you can. Below are some of my creations.

Learn all about the ancient transmission of Homer PLUS the basics of the Lachmann method in one action-packed Prezi!

In yet another head-spinning Prezi we look at the historiographic, archeological, and oral-traditional evidence for the Trojan war. 

From "Morphology": Lecture 2 and Lecture 3

Learn all about allomorphy with the help of Superman, rubber ducks, Lady Gaga, and llamas.

From "Morphology": Lecture 16

A bubbly introduction to verbal valency COMPLETELY illustrated with Super Mario pics and examples.

From "Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics": In Search for the Indo-Europeans

A taste of Indo-European Archeology and Poetics featuring the Smurfs, horse sacrifices, and Eminem.

From "Introduction to the Vedic Language": Lecture 4

This lecture has a little bit of everything: historical phonology (the centum vs. satem treatment of PIE dorsals), rule orderings, introduction to Vedic ritual, and a little bit of Vedic poetics for good measure.

© 2024 By Chiara Bozzone

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